Pawnee City Council Changes Time Period for Sewer Consumption Rate

(KTNC) -  The Pawnee City Council approved a change to the time period the city uses to determine sewer rates.  The city used to base the rates on the amount of water used in the month of February.  Under the change, the rate will now be based on three months of water use. 
 City Clerk Tammy Stephens the council hopes the move gives them a better picture of how much water people actually use. She says some people would conserve water in the month of February, including one man who she says didn’t use any water at all for one month.
 Stephens says the council was satisfied with a letter from JEO Consulting regarding the warranty on the new sewer plant.  The council had discussed asking for an extension on the one-year warranty due to issues with some of the plant’s components. 
Stephens says the letter explained the various warranties that cover those components, which are still under warranty. 
 The Pawnee City Council approved a motion to buy two new computers for the City Office.  The computers will replace machines that were purchased in 2009, and were purchased from Marteney Enterprises at a cost of $625 each.  Stephens says the council is also considering purchasing a laptop computer for Shop Foreman Clint Johnson to replace a computer purchased in 2010.
 The council also discussed purchasing a camera for the tree dump as a way to monitor the facility to prevent people from dumping unapproved items at the facility.
 Stephens says the council was informed that the Library Foundation and Friends of the Library organizations are merging into one organization. 
 And Sheriff Jayme Reed told the council that Deputy Martin Tuttle is resigning, effective November 30.  Deputy Tuttle has been with the Pawnee County Sheriff’s Department for 25 years.

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