Contested races in Tuesday Primary Election in Nebraska

(KLZA)-- Tuesday is Primary Election Day in Nebraska. Polls will be open from 8 a-m until 8 p.m.

Voters need to remember that a state law passed in 2023 means voters must present a valid ID, which includes your name and a photo before you cast your vote.

Legal ID's can include: a drivers license; a state identification care; a Nebraska college ID from a public or private school; a Nebraska political subdivision ID; a U.S. Passport; a military ID or a tribal ID, or a face sheet from a hospital or assisted living facility.

If you don't have an ID with you, Richardson County poll workers will ask that you go home and get your identification. Ballots can be cast if you don't have an ID, but your vote will be placed in a special ballot box and you will have to fill out an affidavit and them present an ID at the County Clerk's Office by Tuesday, May 21, before the ballot is counted.

A list of contested races in Southeast Nebraska for the Primary Election on Tuesday includes:

Richardson County:

County Commissioner: District 2: Republican Ticket:

Bob Campbell and Gayle Swisegood

District 3: Republican Ticket: Inc. Rick Karas and Ron Ramer.

Falls City Council: Top two advance to General Election.

Ward I - Brent Shubert; Brian Poppe; Frank Killingsworth; Cory Mason;

Ward II - Joyce M. Jones; Kenny Killingsworth; Brittany Campbell; Judy Murphy;

Ward III - Sara Ruiz; Les Baker; Sarah Bangert;

Pawnee County:

Commissioner: District 1

Republican Ticket: Inc. Lavon Heidemann and James R. Thies; ( Teece)

Pawnee City Sales and Use Tax: Shall the City continue to enact a sales and use tax in the amount of 2% within the City of Pawnee City that is set to expire July 14, 2024.

Sales tax proceeds are used to pay for bonds on a past street overlay project; city services and economic development.

Nemaha County:

District 2 County Commissioner:

Republican Ticket: Rick Helms; Inc. Brian Mellage; Frank Critser;

Johnson County:

District 2 County Commissoner:

Republican Ticket: Tim Weber; George Kahnk; Dennis McClintock;

First District Legislative Seat - Non-partisan - Top two advance to November General Election:

Dennis Schaardt; Robert Hallstrom; Glenda Willnerd; Bob Holman;

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