Appointments Coming for Atchison ADA Advisory Board

(KAIR) -- The first five of nine members of the new American Disabilities Act Advisory Board in Atchison will be appointed Monday afternoon.

City Commissioners will look to appoint Dian Smith, David Purcell, Paul Ogle, Faye Miller and Linda Wallace at 4:30 at City Hall.

Commissioners may also appoint the remaining four openings Monday.

The committee was created as part of a settlement agreement earlier this year with the city and former resident Tiffany Nickel.

Nickel sued the city several years ago, claiming a lack of handicap accessibility at parks and other areas around the city.

The group will look to create ideas in an effort to improve ADA accessibility around the city.

The board of volunteers is supposed to meet at least quarterly and will consist of three members each serving one, two and three year terms.

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