Johnson-Brock Board approves personnel changes

(KLZA)-- The Johnson-Brock Board of Education accepted the resignation of Holly Mosel, High School science teacher when they met Monday evening.

The Board then approved a teaching contract with Loren Steinman to serve as a science teacher in the school district for the 2024-25 school year.

Superintendent Jeff Koehler reported the schools white vans can no longer be used to transport students due to federal regulations. The Board discussed other options including 14 passenger buses.

The sports Co-Op with Nebraska City was discussed by the Board. Johnson-Brock is looking into the possibility of offering golf for the 2024-25 school year.

Principal Lucus Dalinghaus reported the Johnson-Brock junior class ACT results were once again above the state average. He also reported ath during the school year, 36 students were randomly drug tested and all tested negative.

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