Citizen Speaks Out over Gate Entrance Rights

(KAIR) -- A concerned Atchison resident spoke out Tuesday afternoon in the final public forum of the Atchison City Commission meeting about receiving a notice about the city eliminating what he considers is his entrance to his property.

Bill Sweger was given a notice by city staff that city will close down a culvert and opening and resume operating duties to a gate off of 274th Road that leads to Warnock Lake by September 15th.

Around a decade ago, that entrance was created by another property owner and after Sweger bought it and resumed to use it as his entrance.

He had strong words for the Commission in opposition to the notice.

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However, Watershed Board member Tom Marlatt says it is a problem.

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Marlatt further adds that the locked gate off 274th is not serving its purpose due to the opening.

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Sweger told the Commission he was very surprised by the notice after the city partnered with them on another project on the property line.

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Marlatt says the notice is not a personal agenda item of anyone.

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However, Swegger feels differently, quoting Edmund Burke from the American Revolution.

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Sweger’s attorney, Andrew Werring says he’s had conversations with the City’s Attorney on the matter, J. David Ferris, in an effort to resolve any matters to avoid legal action.

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