Asphalt Overlay Work Begins on Atchison Streets

Contractor Herzog Contracting will start milling and asphalt overlay work on Atchison city streets today.

Work should wrap by the second week in June, weather permitting.

Crews anticipate starting milling on South 4th Street from Park to V Street, then south to the turn-around.

As planned, the following week work will begin on South 4th Street.

The contractor will make a best effort to notify homeowners, businesses, and emergency vehicles affected by the street improvements one day in advance of the milling and surfacing.

The city asks to move all parked vehicles off the streets listed in the image.

Construction signs will be posted throughout and temporary tow zones may be in effect.

Local access to homes and businesses will be maintained at all practical/possible times during construction.

Drivers are urged to proceed with caution in construction work zones.


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