Falls City 2nd Graders Demonstrate OSMO to School Board

(KLZA)-- Falls City School Board members took part in a presentation by Second grade teacher Kim Oliver and students Ella Glathar, Jack Holys, Emma Dean, Braxton Harmon and Blakely Sells Monday night on instructional technology. 

The presentation focused on the use of an iPad accessory, OSMO and how it can be implemented into the classroom or home environment.  Children can practice math, language arts and writing concepts through an iPad and the accessory.  

Teachers will be able to learn more about the application of OSMO during a select session at the January 4th teacher in-service day.  

Superintendent Tim Heckinlively reported that Falls City Public Schools are receiving no State Aid for the 2015-16 school year.  District 56 s among nearly 160 districts labeled non-equalized or receiving no state aid. That number is expected to increase again next year.  Heckinlively said during the legislative session that begins in January, it must be recognized that it will take a combination of factors over time to bring some degree of stability and fairness to taxation, while ensuring local school districts and other local entities have adequate and appropriate resources to meet expectations and mandates.

The largest school districts in Nebraska continue to lobby for no change in the state aid formula that is continuing to bring more state aid to their districts.  


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