Atchsion Co. Prepares Final Budget Numbers

(KAIR) -- Atchison County Commissioners have concluded their budget hearings and aim to have the 2013 budget numbers finalized for a vote to publish by the end of the week.

This week, Commissioners finalized figures for the Atchison County Sheriff’s Office Monday.

Commissioner Jeff Schuele says they tentatively agreed to a few changes to the one point one million dollar budget.

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On Wednesday, they tentatively finalized the 90 thousand 590 dollar Register of Deeds budget.

An issue arose around contractual commodities and its funding, which would potentially effect staffing, which could prompt integration of the County Clerk and Register’s departments.

Schuele says funding for that ended up being agreed to for 2013.

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Commissioners also gave tentative finalization to the Treasurer’s budget, which will approve the hiring of a new full-time position.

Schuele says Commissioners also requested the office take initial steps to reform property tax payments to make them available online.

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Commissioners also held a follow-up meeting with Techs Inc on the potential regionalization of the county’s ambulance service.

Schuele says they hope to vote on how to proceed with the matter next week.

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