Thousands Gather for Amelia Earhart Festival

(KAIR) -- Thousands of citizens from all over the country, and even around the world converged to Atchison this weekend for the 16th annual Amelia Earhart Festival.

A plethora of events took place, ranging from children getting to see reptiles up close and personal, aerial acrobatics, carnival rides, authentic vendors, even a musical review for a proposed Broadway play on Amelia’s life.

It was the first time in Atchison for 11-year-old Sydney Aragon.

She and her father, Vince came to town from Saint Louis.

Sydney says she came because she has been drawn to Earhart’s life and wanted to learn more.

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Another attraction was a speakers symposium, held at Benedictine College, discussing “Amelia and the Media,” featuring several regional journalists.

When discussing what questions they would have asked Earhart, longtime Kansas City journalist and current KFEQ Farm Director Mary McKenna had this question.

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Also on the panel was KMBC anchor and 2012 Pioneering Achievement Award winner Lara Moritz.

She describes her thoughts on being selected for the award.

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The evening concluded with around a 30 minute firework show over the Missouri River.