Pawnee City Council Discusses Truck Route

The Pawnee City Council spent time Monday night discussing a designated truck route, but took no formal action on the matter. 
 City Clerk Tammy Stephens says the city does have a truck route now that directs semis to a designated parking area.  But she says there are a couple truck drivers in town who do not use the truck route, and that has led to wear and tear on some city streets not built to accommodate heavy truck traffic.  (play audio  :34)
 In other business Monday night, the council approved the second reading of an ordinance to set up a Wellhead Protection Area around the city’s water wells. 
 Council approved a partial payment of $172,255 to Eriksen Construction for work on the Wastewater Treatment Facility.  Stephens says the new sewer plant is set to go online beginning next week.
 The council gave SENCA permission to close streets on the east, west, and south sides of the square on Labor Day for an event titled “Last Fling ‘til Spring.”  The street on the north side of the square will remain open.
 Stephens says the Nebraska Department of Economic Development has granted Pawnee City an extension until September 5th for compliance monitoring of CDBG Revolving Loan funds. 
 Council member Charlie Hatfield informed the council that the new handicap lift for the swimming pool will be shipped from the manufacturer on July 19th, and should be installed yet this summer.
 And on a couple other street-related matters, Mid-America Road Builders will be in Pawnee City next week to chip-seal city streets.  And Stephens says someone stole a speed bump that was on 14th Street sometime last Friday.

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