Atchison to Begin Annual Water Maintenance

(KAIR) -- As a part of routine maintenance, Atchison officials announced that the public water system will be switching temporarily from a combined chlorine residual system to a free chlorine system on Monday, July 15th through the early part of fall.

The only impact this annual change-over will have on water customers may be a slightly more chlorinated taste to some customers.

Although this change is only temporary and has no health implications, customers on certain types of heart and other medications may be more sensitized to the taste.

The maintenance is necessary due to a naturally-occurring chemical reaction in the water system brought on by the heat of the summer months.

Normally, chlorine and aqua ammonia in the drinking water form a combined chlorine molecule which has natural disinfection properties, ensuring the water meets state water quality standards and is safe to drink.

But when outdoor temperatures stay above 90 degrees for extended periods of time, water towers heat up and the molecules break down, leaving an ammonia build-up.

This triggers a process called nitrification that neutralizes the disinfecting properties in the water.

To prevent nitrification, when summer temps heat up, utility staff changes the balance of additives, using more chlorine and no aqua ammonia, leaving the chlorine in the water “free chlorine.”

The change in water chemistry ensures that the water is safe to drink but slightly affects the taste.

Once summer heat fades into cooler autumn days, the chemistry is returned to normal and the mild chlorine taste goes away.

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