City to Revamp Sewer and Water Supply

Citizens in Atchison will soon see a change in water quality and reform in parts of the sewer system.

Monday night, Atchison City Commissioners passed three long-term EPA and KDHE mandated projects which will cost just over 12 million dollars over the next five years.

They passed a 496 thousand dollar annual engineering services contract limit with Burns and McDonnell, improving the disinfection byproducts system for water by adding an ozone compound to not excced 710 thousand 477 dollars, and designing a ground storage tank and new vfw booster station for no greater than 567 thousand 576 dollars .

John Mitchell with Burns & Mac says the project is bar setter and has significance for other larger communities.

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A majority of this will be funded with 30 percent principal loan forgiveness.

Utilities Director Mike Mathews said they are on pace to meet deadlines or have already exceeded them.
They passed the measures four to one with Commissioner Larry Purcell voting nay.

Purcell explains his no vote.

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Commissioners also unanimously set a public hearing on the proposed demolition of properties at 923 M Street, 933 Atchison, 912 Parallel and 1026 North 7th Street for August 20th.

Some of those homes have had utilities shut off as far back as the 1990’s.

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