Atchison City Budget to be presented Monday

The annual budget for the city of Atchison will be presented Monday evening, immediately following the conclusion of their regular meeting at 4:30 at city hall.

City Manager Trey Cocking says he plans to finalize the numbers this weekend, but says the early figures look optimistic.

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Monday night’s regular meeting has been dubbed “Burns and Mac” night as consultant firm Burns and McDonnell.

They will be presenting several items for mandated water and wastewater upgrades.

Cocking describes what will be presented to Commissioners.

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The Commission will also look to approve a two million gallon water storage tank and new VFW booster station as well as install three raw water intake pumps over a three year period.

Commissioners will also look to set a public hearing date of August 20th on the demolition of four condemned properties under the city’s demolition program.

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