A.B.L.E. No Longer Able to Operate

The Advocates for Better Living for Everyone organization will cease operation at the end of the month.

A.B.L.E., who’s centered in Atchison and has served that county, along with Brown, Doniphan and Jackson Counties since 1996, will close on June 29th.

President and CEO Ken Gifford said the non-profit is closing due to an decrease in income from private and public sectors.

He says they started seeing the changes about six months ago.

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He says the organization once served up to 400 people at one point, and in addition to providing the Medicaid in-home care program with waivers.

 They also provided advocacy and peer support.

Gifford describes the other services that people will now have to look.

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He says a lot of the Medicaid clients have been absorbed into other agencies across the state, but several others remain.

(Audio Continues)   RT: :17

The number to call for that organization is 1-800-443-2207.

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