Atchison City Comm. Hear Budget Requests

During a three hour work session Wednesday night, Atchison City Commissioners heard budget requests from various departments and partner organizations for the 2013 budget.

One of the partner organizations lobbying for funds was the Heritage Conference Center.

They are looking for 50 thousand general fund dollars from the city.

Board Chairman Bill Murphy says the funding request has been consistent for years and mainly goes towards operations.

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They also heard from the Atchison Chamber of Commerce.

Chamber President Jacque Pregont  requested 85 thousand dollars from the general fund, which has been a consistent number for the past five years.

Commissioners indicated that they supported funding, but Commissioner Jack Bower requested that there be a member of the governing body on the chamber executive board in the interest of public policy oversight.

City Manager Trey Cocking said they will look into that matter further as the budget process moves forward.

Commissioners also heard from Juneteenth Committee representatives.

The non-profit group requested five thousand dollars from the city, the same as last year.

Their funding has gradually increased from zero in 2008 to their current figure today.

Donald Bratton said the localism of the celebration makes it special.

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After their presentation, Commissioners indicated a proposed increase in their allocation to six thousand 250 dollars.

Other funding proposals included a projection of two point two seven million dollars for capital improvement funding, one point six eight million dollars for sewer capital improvement and 254 thousand 800 dollars for equipment replacement.

The next budget workshop is scheduled for June 7th from five to eight at city hall.

A reminder that this was a workshop only and no action was taken.

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