Atchison’s public swimming pool is preparing to open for the season, starting this Saturday.
The pool water may look green currently, but Park Superintendent Clinton McNemee says it should chlorinate to be clear for the Memorial Day weekend.
In an effort to make the pool experience more affordable, McNemee says there will be a few changes this summer for the pool.
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The pool also offers jobs for young people to serve as lifeguards while away from school.
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McNemee says pool numbers typically start strong, but then taper off as the summer gets warmer.
Punch passes will be available for purchase as a convenience for parents.
He says they are currently uncertain on a date the pool will close for the season as it’s currently under review by city officials as they study the trends and lifeguard availability for the summer.
Typically the pool closes in mid-August.
Pool Hours will be one to six on Saturdays and Sundays and 12 to six during weekdays.
The current pool has been in operation since 1981.
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