Atchison Hospital Gets Grant from Susan G. Komen

Atchison Hospital is the recipient of a grant of over 25 thousand dollars from the Susan G. Komen for the Cure of Greater Kansas City Foundation.

The grant given Tuesday to the hospital is one of 20 given to a 17 county service area within Northeast Kansas and Northwest Missouri worth over 925 thousand dollars.

Komen of Greater KC’s Community Outreach Manager Theresa Osenbaugh describes why they chose Atchison Hospital.

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The program the hospital is putting the funding towards is entitled “Saving Lives with Early Detection.”

One of the grant writers is Mary Ann Meudt.

She says it was a long process that took a lot of hard work by many.

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Some of those teaching programs will include “Picnic in Pink,” a luncheon event beginning in late June and “Bosom Buddies,” which aims to have women encourage each other to get mammograms together.

One in eight women will be diagnosed with breast cancer in their lifetime and one in two insured women are not getting their recommended screening mammograms.

The hospital’s goal with the grant is to increase their screening rates by 10 percent.

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