Citizens Gather in Atchison to Memorialize Sgt. Enzbrenner

Over 100 people gathered to memorialize fallen Atchison Police Sergeant David Enzbrenner Wednesday afternoon at the Atchison Riverfront.

The 15 minute program featured remarks by Atchison Police Chief Mike Wilson and Atchison Mayor Allen Reavis.

The American Legion organized the event and presented items to Sgt. Enzbrenner’s widow Kerri and his three daughters.

Mayor Reavis talked about last week’s state memorial program, where Enzbrenner was honored as the only officer killed in the line of duty in 2011.

(Play Audio)   RT: :32

Chief  Wilson described the day Sgt. Enzbrenner was killed, and the days that followed, talking about how fellow law enforcement officers around the region banded together to protect the community while his comrades mourned.

Wilson also described what is inscribed in the National Law Enforcement Memorial in Washington D.C. for David.

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Chief Wilson, Enzbrenner’s family, and select law enforcement will be heading to Hutchinson Friday evening to accept the State Association of Law Enforcement Officer’s Chief’s Award.

They will then head to Washington D.C. to participate in a candlelight vigil at the National Memorial for Law Enforcement Officers on Sunday and a presentation nationally with all others lost in the line of duty on Tuesday for National Memorial Service as part of National Police Week.

Here's a Link to register to view the Washington D.C. vigil:

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