Bunge Wins Annexation Suit against City

Bunge Milling will not be annexed into the city limits of Atchison after winning a civil suit that was filed by the city.

Bunge, currently like most other industrial areas, is located along U-S 59 southwest of Atchison were challenged in 2011 by the city to become part of the city.

The city adopted an ordinance to annex Bunge in June of 2011.

Patrick Henderson, representing the city of Atchison, explains what the city was aiming to do.

(Play Audio)   RT: :36

Henderson goes on to explain one of those options.

(Audio Continues)   RT: :35

In court documents, Bunge maintained that the annexation was invalid because it lacked authority to annex the land, as well as claiming the city failed to comply with the necessary procedures incident to the annexation.

Calls made to Bunge’s attorney, Richard Eckert, have not been returned as of mid-afternoon.

Henderson says he hasn’t had an in-depth discussion with city staff on what the next move could or should be, and hopes to have an answer within the next couple of weeks.

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