Atchison Vet Gives Tips on Keeping Pets Out of the Cold

(KAIR) -- With the temperatures already dipping to below zero wind chills, the time has come to make sure your pets stay warm during the winter season.

One Atchison vet says when it gets to those temperatures, there’s just one simple message.

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That’s Doctor Steve Walz with Westside Veterinary Hospital.

He says even if the temperatures are warmer than that, there are still things you must watch out for to keep your pet healthy.

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Last week, Atchison Police issued a citation for animal cruelty to Atchison resident Ruth Tull for allegedly leaving her pet out in the cold temperatures while she was out of town.

However, the frequency of Walz’ hospital treating pets for hypothermia has been fairly low.

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Walz also suggests for pets to stay dry in the cold to use straw or hay in their pens or doghouses rather than blankets or towels due to the hay and straws ability to absorb liquid waste.

He also suggests avoiding heat lamps so the lamp doesn’t risk shorting or burning the pet.

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