Atchison to Begin Hydrant Flushing

(KAIR) --As a part of its annual maintenance program, City crews in Atchison will be flushing hydrants weekdays from eight until four through the end of October.

Maintenance will continue into November, if necessary.

The procedure is proactive maintenance of the water system to ensure delivery and reliability of the highest quality of water possible.

The city warns that citizens should bypass your water softener during this time period.

The city is not responsible for damages to your system.

The flushing operation may result in brief periods of reduced water pressure, especially for those customers located in low-pressure areas, or discolored water.

Iron and manganese - two commonly found minerals in water mains - cause the discoloration, but the water is still safe to consume.

The city advises customers to refrain from using water or doing laundry as much as possible when discolored water is present, especially white or light loads of laundry.

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