Atchison Resident Avoids Microsoft Scam

(KAIR) -- An Atchison resident avoided identity theft Friday by hanging up on a call from an individual claiming he’s a technician from Microsoft.

Several months ago, KAIR news reported a story of a similar scam in which the scammer calls and reports that an error message has been detected coming from the potential victim’s personal computer.

Karla Wick describes her story of the scam attempt.

(Play Audio)    RT: :34  

Wick thought the person may have been legit because of the knowledge of the business number, and the scammer called that number.

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And that’s what Atchison Police Chief Mike Wilson says that’s the best thing to do and to not give out any personal information, because most of these entities don’t use or need the telephone to obtain it.

Wilson says they get several calls a day about scam attempts but says since they aren’t originating in the state, or in the country, police are limited on what they can do.

He says if they get control of any kind of funds, you are likely to never get your money back.

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