Atchison Hosts Demo for Musical on Earhart’s Life

(KAIR) -- Dozens were entertained with music and samples, as part a musical review for a proposed musical on the life of Amelia Earhart on Saturday.

It’s been in the works for the last several years for California playwright Laurie McLaughlin.

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She says the story of Amelia and her husband, publicist George Putnam had a very interesting side story.

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Now that she has all the pieces in place, they are ready to pitch it to Broadway.

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So after their one hour performance for the public, the composers and singers, including one that recently finished a performance on Broadway, recorded a demo disc at Theatre Atchison in hopes of finding a producer.

McLaughlin says seven producers around the country have expressed interest in the project script and says it could range from one month, to three or four years before the musical could be accepted.

After that, the producer would conduct a workshop to finalize the show.

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