The Falls City Council received an update on the process to find a company to prepare a new comprehensive plan for the city Monday night. EDGE Executive Director Beckie Cromer asked the Council to confirm an agreement with Marvin Planning to do the work. ( play audio :34 seconds )
Previously the City agreed to pay 30 percent of the cost for the plan with EDGE paying 70 percent. The proposal was approved 6-0. Councilman Jerry Oliver who was on the interview committee abstained and Councilman Steve Scholl was absent.
Kevin Malone with the Ball Park Renovation project updated the Council on what is happening currently and also on what was needed from the City to help with the project. The Council previously had approved up to $198,000 in cash and in-kind services for the project.
Malone said that hopefully the cost for the City will be a little lower than previously thought. ( play audio :31 seconds )
A question the Ball Park Committee has was on how some of the work the city would be responsible for as their part would get done. City Administrator Gary Jorn tried to answer as best he could with Utility Superintendent Alan Romine gone on vacation. ( play audio :33 seconds )
Work is progressing on the ball field at Grandview Park. Turf Solutions Group has been moving dirt and will begin putting in a sprinkler system next week along with digging holes for the fencing and doing concrete work for pads for bleachers and the dugouts.
© Many Signals Communications
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