Atchison City Commissioners Monday night chose two multi-million dollar projects when it comes to water treatment and storage.
Commissioners recommended going with ozone water treatment over powder activated carbon for the next twenty years.
The ozone project, engineers estimate the cost to be three point seven million dollars over that span compared to four point two million for P-A-C.
The city will be eligible for 30 percent principal forgiveness on loans for this project.
Burns and McDonnell Engineer Nathan Dunahee explains the advantages of ozone treatment.
(Play Audio) RT: :37
Commissioners also chose to move forward with a two million gallon water underground water storage tank.
Their options were either a one-point five million or two million gallon tank, and whether the tank was elevated or underground.
Engineers estimate the ground tank to cost three point one million dollars, compared to the estimate for four point six million dollars for an elevated one.
These choices were put to a voice agreement, not a vote, but the discussion was met with opposition from Commissioner Larry Purcell, who opposed the treatment option due to budgetary concerns and the fact that the water treatment is a recommendation, not a mandate.
Purcell also favored an elevated tank.
Commissioners also approved four to zero permission for MGP to put a power line up across Main Street.
Asphalters from Herzog will return to Atchison on Saturday after Commissioners approved paving projects on Eighth Street from Kansas to Commercial, and from Commercial to Main.
Commissioners also approved striping on Fourth Street from Q to Park which is slated to be reimbursed.
Total cost of the project is 31 thousand 738 dollars.
Commissioners also reminded citizens that the American Legion will hold a Memorial Service for fallen Atchison Police Sergeant at 4:30 Wednesday at the Riverfront.
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