Funding Approved for New Ambulances & Atchison Memorial Hall

(KAIR) -- Atchison County Commissioners on Wednesday approved the funding process for the purchase of two new ambulances for the new countywide EMS department, as well as renovating historic Memorial Hall in Atchison.

They signed off on a five year lease purchase from Exchange National Bank for 355 thousand dollars with a one-point-eight-eight interest rate.

Commissioners also approved the low bid of two dollars and 10 cents a gallon from Vance Brothers of Kansas City for the annual purchase of road oil.

Commissioner Jeff Schuele says the bid, among three received, was 60 cents a gallon lower from last year.

He adds that the Road and Bridge department also plan to utilize road oil differently in an effort to extend the life of county roads.

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In other business, Commissioners heard a report from Sheriff Jack Laurie about a deputy patrol car being totaled earlier this week in a non-injury accident involving a deer.

Commissioners will also only have one meeting next week, on Tuesday, beginning at 10.

That’s because of their involvement in the annual county government day activities with area schools, which begins at the courthouse at nine.

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