Commissioners Dissect Appraisers Budget

(KAIR) -- One hour of the two hour Atchison County Commissioners non-session budget workshop Thursday evening was dedicated to breaking down the over 300 thousand dollar budget of the Appraisers Office.

A significant portion of the discussion centered on what’s currently a division of the Appraiser’s department, GIS.

Due to GIS Tech Tony Redden’s high demand for services from other departments in the county, discussion has been to create his own department.

Appraiser Jim Lampe told Commissioner Jeff Schuele the importance of having GIS in his department.

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Another concern discussed with Schuele and Commissioners Mike Bodenhausen and Tom Wagner was keeping up with technology if GIS is not moved.

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Commissioners have a few department budgets they’ve given tentative verbal approval, but will continue their workshops with departments that have funds in question during next week’s regular meetings and Tuesday afternoon’s workshop.

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