Atchison County officials will attend a future Brown County Commissioner meeting on upcoming bridge inspections.
Commissioner Mike Bodenhausen and Road and Bridge Supervisior Matt Dorssom will attend the February 13th meeting of the Brown County Commissioners where a bridge expert will meet with their commission.
Tom Bennett met with Atchison County Commissioners today (Monday), presenting a list of fracture critical bridges in the county, which he says are the bridges in the most need of repair.
He says Commissioners must make a decision on what bridges must be inspected.
State mandates say the inspections must be completed by July.
Bennett said prior to 1978, there were zero inspections made in Atchison County.
Commissioners also heard concerns from a Lancaster township citizen about a recent heated argument he and Matt Dorssom over the citizens’ father’s township minutes and bridge work during a recent Lancaster township meeting.
The citizen asked commissioners if they planned to discipline Dorssom for his conduct which he said was inappropriate for his young son to be around.
Commissioner Jeff Schuele spoke for the commissioners and Dorssom and said Dorssom was also a citizen of the township and had indicated to commissioners that he was attending as one.
Schuele said as a result, no disciplinary action will be taken.
The citizen asked that Dorrsom designate that before attending the township meetings and that he would have handled things differently if he knew Dorssom was attending as a concerned citizen.
However, Commissioners reminded Dorssom and also going for other department heads that personal conduct should be the same whether they are attending as a member of the county or as if they were a citizen.
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