Electronic Waste Recycling Event Saturday in Humboldt

(KTNC) - If you have an old computer that works only as a paperweight, or would like to get rid of an outdated electronic device, you can do so this weekend in Humboldt. 

The HTRS Booster Club is sponsoring an electronic waste recycling event on Saturday afternoon. 

April Binder is the Booster Club president.  (play audio  :22)

The Booster Club will accept donations in exchange for hauling away the old electronics. 

If the old equipment contains any personal information, Binder says they will have a machine on hand to take care of that, for a small fee.  (play audio  :28)

All money raised from the electronic recycling event will go to the Booster Club’s proposed Community Fitness Center.  Binder says plans for the fitness center continue to progress.  (play audio  :18)

The facility will include a wrestling room for the HTRS wrestling team, in addition to the fitness center for use by both students and the surrounding community. 

Binder says Saturday’s recycling event is open to anyone from Humboldt and the surrounding area.

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