Atchison County Commissioners heard an update Monday on Center Township’s plans on dealing with potential McPherson Road maintenance when a rock quarry comes to the area.
Trustees’ initially said they would like to maintain the road after Hamm quarry sets the road to their specifications prior to establishing the quarry.
In a prior meeting, Commissioners said either the township or county could take control of the road.
Trustees would like more information from the quarry before making any final decisions.
However, several other citizens from the township located in and around Cummings, attended the meeting and expressed concerns about the one of the routes the quarry trucks could take through Cummings.
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In the prior meeting, Hamm’s said they would consider Lincoln Road as an alternate route.
County Commissioner Jeff Schuele said he hopes all parties will have more information by summer, as Hamm’s are aiming to complete a needs analysis by the end of May and still must go through environment testing by KDHE.
Commissioners will not have a meeting Wednesday, as they plan to travel to Paola for a work session with Miami County’s administrator on regional EMS service options.
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