Mound City Aldermen Hold Hearing on Budget

(KTNC) -  Mound City Aldermen held a public hearing on the proposed 2013-2014 Budget Tuesday.  Total projected revenues are just over $1.3 million, with operating expenses and capital expenditures totaling $1,335,000.  That leaves a projected deficit of approximately $25,000.
 The capital expenditures include $45,000 to seal coat the Pool and City Hall parking lots, along with some high traffic streets that were paved last year.  Plans also include a new roof and upgrades to valves at the water plant, plus $30,000 to construct an office in the new equipment building and $40,000 to purchase a new tractor with a loader and backhoe attachments.
 Projects from the Park Fund include the purchase of four benches and material to transfer the Griffith Park playground equipment to Chautauqua Park.
 General Fund expenditures include new bulletproof vests and a printer for the Police Department, electrical upgrades at City Hall, restoring electrical service to the Scout Hut, and constructing another sidewalk at the parking lot from City Hall.
 Aldermen discussed ways to close a deficit of nearly $70,000 in the Street Fund.  They agreed to budget the $45,000 to seal the parking lots and streets from the CIP Fund, and to split city employee Vince Beyer’s salary and benefit costs 50-50 between the water and street funds.  That move came after a review found that his time is split between the two departments.
 Aldermen also agreed to pre-pay the outstanding principal balance of the lease for the 2008 street project.  That will save the city $44,000 in interest costs over the next five years.
 And Aldermen unanimously approved a motion to provide a three-percent across-the-board pay increase to non-seasonal employees, effective July 1st.

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