Baseball and Softball scores from May 7th:
Riverside swept Troy--Game 1: 10-0 (5 innings); Game 2: 7-4
Game 1: WP--Dylan Gabriel (Riverside) threw no-hitter (only 2 BB's)
Zach Halter (Riverside) 3-3 w/HR and 3 RBI
Game 2: Riverside scored 6 runs in 2nd inning
WP--Derek Nold (Riverside) 9 strikeouts
Paden Halter (Riverside) 2-3 w/RBI and RS
Jordan Thornberry (Troy) 3-4 w/2 2B, RBI and RS
Silver Lake swept Holton--Game 1: 6-2; Game 2: 6-2
Royal Valley swept Pleasant Ridge--Game 1: 10-0 (6 innings); Game 2: 12-1 (5 innings)
Game 1: Dylan Conley (Royal Valley) 3-4 w/2RS, 2 RBI and BB
WP--Josh Tessendorf (Royal Valley)
Game 2: Royal Valley out-hit Pleasant Ridge 13-2
Logan Bausch (Royal Valley) 3-3 w/2B, 2RS and 2 RBI
WP--Mucks Wahweotten
Silver Lake swept Perry-Lecompton--Game 1: 10-1; Game 2: 20-4
Holton swept Hiawatha--Game 1: 15-0 (3 innings); Game 2: 17-0 (3 innings)
Game 1: Cassidy Merriman (Holton) 3-3 w/3 2B, 3 RS, 3 RBI and SB
WP--Logan Fornelli (Holton) 3 innings w/no-hits
Fornelli (Holton) 2-3 w/2B and 3 RBI
Game 2: Jordan Barber (Holton) 3-3 w/2B, 2 RS and 2 RBI
WP--Christa Merriman (Holton) 3 innings w/no-hits
Troy swept Riverside--Game 1: 5-2; Game 2: 18-15
Game 1: Riverside's only runs scored in 1st inning
Kelli Marriot (Troy) 4-4 w/2 2B, 2 RS and 2 RBI
WP--Tanner Weishaar (Troy)
Game 2: Riverside scored every inning but 5th (scored 5-runs in 6th)
Troy 11-run 4th inning
Kelli Marriot (Troy) 4-4 w/4 RS, RBI, BB and 5 SB
Kaylee Bennett (Troy) 3-5 w/HR, 2 RS, 6 RBI and 3 SB
WP--Tanner Weishaar (Troy)
Box truck pursuit, stolen pickup, land two in custody
Pair arrested on meth charges after Jackson Co traffic stop
Woman struck, killed by train in St. Mary's
Three area communities awarded grants
Former Atchison officer rises through Arizona ranks
Time to file for homestead exemptions in Nebraska
Doniphan West voters reject bond issue
KS flags to fly half staff as Kelly, KS delegation, mourn crash
Wood stove flu pipe blamed for Atchison fire
Train kills one in Jackson Co crash
Atchison Co Lake closed for flooding
Hiawatha City Commission holds special meeting
Potential threat reported to Rock Port High School
Humboldt nursing home receives more than $600,000 in funds
Atchison house fire battled Monday
Challenge coins offered in remembrance of fallen deputy
Nemaha Co administrator's contract extended
JCCF awarded grant to hire executive director
Pawnee County Commissioners meet
Falls City Council approves agreement with Citroniq
New semi trucks coming to Jefferson County
Train kills one in Jackson Co crash
Falls City church being offered to city as donation
Missing Pawnee City woman found safe
Doniphan West Superintendent to retire
Nemaha Valley takes down Royal Valley in Big Seven Showdown
HS Football Scores --- Sept. 7th (KS, Neb. & MO)
Hiawatha, Royal Valley & Other Kanzaland Schools highlight Holton Cross Country Invite
B&B & Centralia Highlight Kanzaland Area Volleyball Teams in Latest KVA rankings
Kanzaland HS Volleyball Scores -- Sept. 4th
Onaga Falls to Washington County in HS Football Season Opener
Kanzaland HS Volleyball Scores Roundup -- August 28th
Troy to Dedicate Football Field this Friday