Atchison Outlines Economic Impact of Nell Hill's Closing

(KAIR)--This week's closure of a long standing Atchison business will leave a void, but it won't be economically devastating. 

Wednesday, June 15th will be the final day for Nell Hill's, located on Atchison's downtown mall. 

Although concerns have been raised regarding the impact on the local economy, Atchison City Manager Trey Cocking says it's not expected to be drastic. “Talking to [the store owners], the store doesn't do what they used to do, here in Atchison,” Cocking tells MSC News. “This year they were going to do about $1 million in sales, which, if you look, we have about $163 million in taxable sales in the city of Atchison each year. I'm not going to paint it as a positive thing, but I'm going to paint it as something we can definitely weather.” 

Cocking says he's excited for the opportunity that comes with the selling of the Atchison Nell Hill's location, which he feels is an ideal site for a new business. 

Store owner Mary Carol Garrity says she's excited to combine the Atchison location with the store's Kansas City location. 

In a statement posted on the Nell Hill's website, the staff from the Atchison store will join the team at the Briarcliff location, at 4101 North Mulberry Drive, in Kansas City, Missouri. 


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