Two Jackson Heights FFA Members Win State Proficiency Awards


Two members of the Jackson Heights FFA chapter were recognized for having some of the best career development programs in the state at the 88th Kansas FFA State Convention, June 1-3, 2016, on the Kansas State University campus.


Judd Nelson and Joel Nelson earned State FFA Proficiency Awards for outstanding accomplishments they have made in developing programs that will prepare them for careers in agriculture. Their advisor is Paul Lierz.


Judd Nelson received his award in Fruit Production, sponsored by Farmway Coop. Joel Nelson’s award is in Small Animal Production and Care, sponsored by Animal Health International.


The proficiency award program recognizes students for exceptional accomplishments and excellence in a Supervised Agricultural Experience (SAE) program. This program allows students to set goals and gain real-world experience in a chosen area of the agriculture industry.


For Judd’s SAE, he helps his mother maintain her fruit trees and bushes. In total he maintains four cherry trees, two pear trees, four apple trees and two peach trees. In addition, he has also been assigned the task of planting new trees and ensuring their survival. In order to make picking the fruit on the tops of trees easier, Judd got innovative and created his own fruit picker. His plans after graduation include attending Kansas State University and eventually going to study veterinary medicine. He hopes to someday take over his parents’ dog kennel. Judd is the son of Jerry and Jo Ann Nelson.


Joel has helped his parents breed and raise over 150 dogs to be sold nationwide. Joel raises the puppies until about eight weeks old, at which point they are sold to pet stores. In addition, Joel has the opportunity to show some of the dogs on American Kennel Club and United Kennel Club circuits. He also assists in making some important breeding decisions. He looks for female dogs that are sound for breeding, good companions, and without any structural problems or health issues. Joel plans to attend college at Kansas State University with plans to become a veterinarian. Joel is the son of Jerry and Jo Ann Nelson.


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