Axtell FFA Member Wins State Proficiency Award


A member of the Axtell FFA chapter was recognized for having one of the best career development programs in the state at the 88th Kansas FFA State Convention, June 1-3, 2016, on the Kansas State University campus.


Oliver Schmitz received a State FFA Proficiency Award in Dairy Production Entrepreneurship during the convention for outstanding accomplishments he has made in developing programs that will prepare him for a career in agriculture. This award is sponsored by the Kansas Dairy Commission.


The proficiency award program recognizes students for exceptional accomplishments and excellence in a Supervised Agricultural Experience (SAE) program. This program allows students to set goals and gain real-world experience in a chosen area of the agriculture industry.


Schmitz’s SAE consists of registered Holsteins on his family’s farm. His herd produces Grade A milk for market, as well as raising heifers for replacements and breeding bulls for sale to other commercial dairies. Since he has lived on the dairy his entire life, an SAE in the area was a natural fit. His responsibilities include milking on school mornings, feeding grain concentrate twice a day, hauling hay, watching for signs of imminent calving and keeping records. After graduation, Schmitz plans to go to Kansas State University for a degree in agriculture or engineering.


Oliver’s parents are Joseph and Amy Schmitz. His advisor is Kristin Strathman.

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