Second Cited in Atchison Dog Cruelty Case

(KAIR) -- A second individual has been cited in an animal cruelty case where the dog later died.

Atchison Police Chief Mike Wilson says they cited 18-year-old Kristina Area Wednesday. (Play Audio)

Atchison County Undersheriff Joe Butner, who was traveling by Johnson’s home while off duty, discovered the puppy outside of Johnson’s residence, having bloodied paws and looking malnourished, which prompted him to notify Atchison Police.

When officers arrived and entered the home, they discovered a dead lizard inside and a kennel crate filled with blood and around two inches of feces.

The puppy was taken to the Atchison Humane Society, and later got parvo and died on April 3rd.

Brandon Johnson was sentenced to 30 days in jail and given a one thousand dollar fine Wednesday for his role in the case.

During his trial, Johnson alleges that he gave the home to Area as part of a separation agreement and that he arrived two days prior to the incident discovering the property abandoned and the dog in poor condition.

Area will make her first appearance in Municipal Court July 3rd.

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