Baseball and Softball scores from May 7th:
Riverside swept Troy--Game 1: 10-0 (5 innings); Game 2: 7-4
Game 1: WP--Dylan Gabriel (Riverside) threw no-hitter (only 2 BB's)
Zach Halter (Riverside) 3-3 w/HR and 3 RBI
Game 2: Riverside scored 6 runs in 2nd inning
WP--Derek Nold (Riverside) 9 strikeouts
Paden Halter (Riverside) 2-3 w/RBI and RS
Jordan Thornberry (Troy) 3-4 w/2 2B, RBI and RS
Silver Lake swept Holton--Game 1: 6-2; Game 2: 6-2
Royal Valley swept Pleasant Ridge--Game 1: 10-0 (6 innings); Game 2: 12-1 (5 innings)
Game 1: Dylan Conley (Royal Valley) 3-4 w/2RS, 2 RBI and BB
WP--Josh Tessendorf (Royal Valley)
Game 2: Royal Valley out-hit Pleasant Ridge 13-2
Logan Bausch (Royal Valley) 3-3 w/2B, 2RS and 2 RBI
WP--Mucks Wahweotten
Silver Lake swept Perry-Lecompton--Game 1: 10-1; Game 2: 20-4
Holton swept Hiawatha--Game 1: 15-0 (3 innings); Game 2: 17-0 (3 innings)
Game 1: Cassidy Merriman (Holton) 3-3 w/3 2B, 3 RS, 3 RBI and SB
WP--Logan Fornelli (Holton) 3 innings w/no-hits
Fornelli (Holton) 2-3 w/2B and 3 RBI
Game 2: Jordan Barber (Holton) 3-3 w/2B, 2 RS and 2 RBI
WP--Christa Merriman (Holton) 3 innings w/no-hits
Troy swept Riverside--Game 1: 5-2; Game 2: 18-15
Game 1: Riverside's only runs scored in 1st inning
Kelli Marriot (Troy) 4-4 w/2 2B, 2 RS and 2 RBI
WP--Tanner Weishaar (Troy)
Game 2: Riverside scored every inning but 5th (scored 5-runs in 6th)
Troy 11-run 4th inning
Kelli Marriot (Troy) 4-4 w/4 RS, RBI, BB and 5 SB
Kaylee Bennett (Troy) 3-5 w/HR, 2 RS, 6 RBI and 3 SB
WP--Tanner Weishaar (Troy)
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New York man facing multiple drug charges in Brown Co
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