Details released on Pickup-Train Collision

(KLZA)-- Details have been released on a pickup-train collision last week in southeast Nebraska.

The Nemaha County Sheriff’s Office report on the May 27th wreck at the U.S. Highway 136 railroad crossing at Auburn indicates both the driver and the passenger of the pickup were transported to a local hospital following the wreck.

The sheriff's office says 78-year-old Robert McAdams,of Peru, was eastbound when his pickup truck was struck by the northbound train.

McAdams said he did not see the eastbound cross arm come down, but did notice the westbound arm come down. He stopped the pickup on the tracks, then tried to back off of the tracks.

Robert McAdams suffered possible, but non-visible injuries. A passenger in the pickup, 60-year-old Sally McAdams, suffered a non-disabling head injury.

Highway 136 was shut down for several hours while the wreckage was cleared.

Both occupants of the pickup were wearing safety devices at the time of the wreck. No citations were issued


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