Doniphan Co Adopts Open Burning Regulations

(KNZA)--The Doniphan County Commission has adopted a resolution establishing regulations and requirements for open burning in the county.

The resolution, adopted unanimously Monday by the Commission, also establishes penalties and fines for violation of provisions of the resolution.

The resolution requires that county residents notify the Doniphan County Sheriff’s office prior to an open burn and provide the location of the intended burn—including nearest crossroads. After receiving the notification, the dispatcher will notify the rural fire district where the intended burn will take place. The individual must also notify the sheriff’s office when the fire is extinguished.

All open burning must be attended by the individual until the fire is extinguished.   In addition, a proper firebreak is required around the area to be burned and no open burning is allowed if the wind speed is to reach more than 15 miles an hour.

Individuals violating terms of the resolution are subject to a civil penalty of not less than $100 for a first violation and up to $500 for any subsequent violations.  In addition, individuals violating terms of the resolution will be responsible for any costs incurred by the county or a rural fire district due to the violation.

The resolution was drafted after a number of out-of-control burns last month

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