Richardson Co Sheriff Investigates Extreme Trash Dumping

(KTNC) --  A Richardson County man was cited for littering following what the Richardson County Sheriff’s Office calls an extreme case of trash dumping.

The Sheriff’s Office received several complaints on Monday of trash and debris covering about four miles of county roads north of Humboldt.

Sheriff Randy Houser says one of the reporting parties found a name among the trash that led them to the person responsible for the trash. Authorities traced the trash back to Cindy Holthus of Humboldt.

Holthus had been cleaning vacant rental properties in Humboldt, and the trash from the properties had been hauled to a private rural dump by Michael Carpenter and a male juvenile.

Holthus and her son, along with Deputy Jon Larson, picked up the trash on Wednesday afternoon. Carpenter was cited for littering.

Houser thanked the person who took photos of the trash and sent them to the Sheriff’s office. He says Cindy Holthus also admitted the discarded trash was her responsibility.

 Houser says this was the most extreme case of trash dumping he’s ever seen. He says the trash dumping creates a burden for the County Roads Department and Sheriff’s Department, who have to clean up the trash.

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