Area Prosecutor Addresses Rise in Shoplifting

(KAIR) -- An area prosecutor addresses the recent upswing in shoplifting cases reported in Atchison.

The cases have seen a steady rise since late last year and have been largely occurring at the Atchison Wal-Mart.

Atchison County Attorney Jerry Kuckelman is aggressively prosecuting the cases through a couple of state statutes in an effort to eliminate the problem.

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The other law is aggravated burglary, which is not what you would commonly expect.

Usually, aggravated burglary is charged when a person enters a residence while victims are home.

Kuckelman says this law can be used in shoplifting cases too.

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Kuckelman has also seen a trend where those accused or convicted of the crime come from out of town.

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Kuckelman’s trend has been confirmed as the most recent shoplifting case that came through local law enforcement last week involved a Saint Joseph woman who was stopped as she was attempting to cross the Amelia Earhart Bridge back into Missouri and items believed to have been stolen from Wal-Mart were discovered.

Atchison Police were unable to compile a firm number, but confirm the upswing in shoplifting arrests.

Chief Mike Wilson says several more are first time or second time offenders that take small items and usually have their cases addressed in Municipal Court.

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