One Hiawatha Suspect Leads To Four Cases Solved

Jeffrey Brown

(KNZA)--A joint investigation between the Hiawatha Police Department and the Brown County Sheriff's Department leads to closure in four Hiawatha theft cases and the recovery of stolen property. 

Hiawatha Police Chief John Defore says it unfolded when a suspect, already in custody after being arrested by the Sheriff's Office, began providing information(Play Audio)

The initial information paid off, and, as the Sheriff's Office continued the probe into the case they were working, more details, regarding the Hiawatha crimes, continued to emerge(Play Audio)

Arrested in connection with the Hiawatha crimes is 19-year-old Jeffrey Brown, of Hiawatha. He is the same suspect already held for the Sheriff's case, and who provided the information needed to be arrested in connection with the city burglaries. 

Defore credits the partnership between the two agencies as the reason behind the positive outcome(Play Audio) 

Brown is now alleged to have been involved with a burglary and theft on the night of July 15th, when he allegedly made entry into the Noble Park concession stand where several bottles of sports drink and soda were taken, along with several candy bars. 

He's also blamed for taking several bottles of alcohol from the 200 block of Pawnee Street, when he gained access through an unlocked door. 

Brown is also believed to have committed burglary and theft in the 200 block of Kickapoo Street on July 8th, as well as for a theft that occurred in the 200 block of Sioux Avenue. In that case, Brown is alleged to have stayed the night with a friend and gained information about coins kept in the house. Authorities believe he took around 600-dollars worth of coins and exchanged them for cash at various banks in Saint Joseph, Missouri. 

The Hiawatha cases have now been forwarded to Brown County Attorney Kevin Hill for his review.

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