Armed Burglar Sought In Atchison County

(KAIR) --  Multiple agencies are looking for a man considered armed and dangerous following what authorities say was an armed burglary, aggravated kidnapping and theft Monday morning in rural Atchison County.

According to Atchison County Undersheriff Larry Myer, the individual is a white male, believed to be in his 20s, with dark hair, brown eyes, military style haircut, and dressed in the new military-style digital camouflage top and bottoms, wearing black gloves, tan military combat boots, a tan or black bandana which was over his mouth at the time of the burglary.

The victim also describes him as five eight to five ten, and stocky, weighing 150 to 160 pounds.

The assailant was believed to be heading north on foot after the incident.

The incident was reported around 9:15 Monday morning at 9249 Ottawa Road northwest of Atchison.

Myer says the victim, 42-year-old Tony Baker, discovered the individual in his unoccupied home and was then confronted by gunpoint and told to get on the ground, then fled the scene after Baker obliged.

Atchison County Sheriff John Calhoon says the gun used in the incident was reported to be stolen from the Baker residence, a Smith and Wesson .223 caliber rifle and believed to be the only item taken from the residence.

Myer says there was no sign of forced entry.

Authorities then searched the perimeter for five hours, clearing out around three Monday afternoon.

The scene was investigated by the Atchison County Sheriff’s Department, assisted by the Kansas Bureau of investigation, Kansas Highway Patrol and their airplane, Buchanan County, Missouri, and Jackson and Doniphan County Sheriff’s Department’s and various K-9 units.

Sheriff Calhoon says residents in the area should be on the lookout for the next several days.

(Play Audio)  RT: :21

Authorities say no vehicles were seen in the immediate area after the incident.

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  iamaseabee  (08/29/2012 1:13 AM)

   i am shocked