Redistricting Likely A Case For the Courts

Kris Kobach

Kansas Secretary of Sate Kris Kobach Wednesday will address the contentious issue of redistricting, a holdup of the Kansas Legislature, unable to reach a compromise on the required issue. 

The issue has been heated, with moderate and conservative Republicans fighting against each other. 

It's expected that no matter how the Senate proceeds, a stalemate with GOP conservatives, who hold a majority of the House, will not be broken. 

Failure to complete redistricting, required by federal law, will be addressed Wednsday during a late morning conference held by Kobach. 

The state's chief elections officer, and former law professor, will discuss the issue, as well as a pending federal lawsuit because of it. 

Kobach previously announced that failure to reach an agreement will impact elections in the state. He recently announced that candidate filings are moved to June 11th, instead of the 1st, because no one knows who will be in what district come the August 7th primaries.

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