Fly the Blue Week

(KNZA)--The Brown County Sheriff's office is making blue ribbons available to show your support for law enforcement during National Police Week.

Every year, the week in May that includes May 15 is designated National Police Week. During this week, the organization C.O.P.S. ( Concerns of Police Survivors ) promotes the display of blue ribbons tied on vehicle antennas as a reminder to the public of the men and women in law enforcement that have paid the ultimate price and have given their lives in the line of duty. It also honors the officers who protect and serve us each day.

In 1962, President John F. Kennedy signed legislation that designates May 15 as the official National Peace Officers Memorial Day and national events are held in Washington, D. C. during that weekly period.

There are over 24,000 law enforcement families who have lost loved ones in the line of duty while serving in the law enforcement field. Each year, between 120-180 law enforcement officers are killed in the line of duty and unfortunately that number seems to be growing.

Brown County Sheriff John Merchant says they are asking that community members use blue light bulbs in their outside porch lights to honor those who have given their lives in the line of duty and to recognize those who are still protecting our communities.

In addition, Merchant said you can drop by the Sheriff's Office at 709 Utah Street in Hiawatha to pick up a free blue ribbon to display on your vehicle antenna to show your support.

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