Be alert of MODOT mowing crews

(KLZA)--Though it- been a drier start to summer than usual, seasonal growth along Missouri- roadways still needs to be mowed. The Missouri Department of Transportation urges motorists to use caution when encountering tractor mowers near the shoulders of interstates and other busy roadways.

Mowing roadsides increases visibility for motorists along Missouri roadways. MoDOT asks motorists to please watch out for crews and help keep them safe too. Pay attention, slow down when approaching mowing crews, and never drive distracted.

Major and minor routes will be mowed at least three times through the end of October. MoDOT mows about 400,000 acres of grass each year, which is equivalent to 300,000 football fields.

Crews use a protective "follow" truck to alert motorists they are approaching slow-moving mowers. Drivers are advised to

Be alert for trucks and tractors with lights flashing and moving slowly, 2-5 mph.

Slow down and focus on the road ahead of you. Put your cellphone down and avoid other distractions.

Be prepared to stop or drive very slowly behind a "follow" truck, especially approaching a hill or curve on a two-lane road.

And to obey the no-passing zone stripes, and only pass when you can see far enough past the "follow" truck to avoid meeting oncoming traffic.

Between mowing cycles, you can report grass and weeds blocking visibility at intersections along state-maintained roads by calling MoDOT- 24/7 Customer Service Center at 1-888-ASK-MODOT (275-6636) or by going to

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