Three Marysville FFA Members Win State Proficiency Awards


Three members of the Marysville FFA chapter were recognized for having some of the best career development programs in the state at the 88th Kansas FFA State Convention, June 1-3, 2016, on the Kansas State University campus.


Hadley Schotte, James Borgerding and Grace Luebcke earned State FFA Proficiency Awards for outstanding accomplishments they have made in developing programs that will prepare them for careers in agriculture. Their advisors are Craig Lister and Annelle Meals.


Schotte received his award in Beef Production Entrepreneurship, sponsored by Triangle H. Borgerding’s award is in Forage Production, sponsored by Kansas Forage and Grassland Council, Inc. Luebcke received her award in Veterinary Science, sponsored by Kansas Veterinary Medical Association.


The proficiency award program recognizes students for exceptional accomplishments and excellence in a Supervised Agricultural Experience (SAE) program. This program allows students to set goals and gain real-world experience in a chosen area of the agriculture industry.


Schotte’s SAE is maintaining a cattle herd of 26 animals. This includes 14 cows, 2 bulls, 6 steers and 4 heifers. He began his SAE when he started retaining show Charolais heifers and breeding them. He has found the breed to be very interactive with juniors of the livestock industry while also having the genetics needed to improve the hybrid vigor of the cattle. Learning from other cattlemen and women has been important to Schotte’s success in his SAE. He plans to obtain a career in the field of animal science after graduation. Hadley is the son of Pat and Kelly Schotte.


Borgerding started out his SAE by asking his father if he could rent a 23.1 acre field for alfalfa production. Over the course of his SAE he has learned a lot from his father and grandfather, like it is important to be prepared and have common tools and parts available because nothing slows you down more than waiting on parts. He has learned to operate machinery, take note of important weather patterns and sell surplus to other local farmers. After high school he plans to attend Kansas State University to major in agronomy and return to the family farm. James is the son of James and Melissa Borgerding.


Luebcke began working at Pony Express Veterinary Clinic as a clinic aide in 2013. She started off in the small animal facilities and performed daily feeding of cats and dogs. Now she administers medications, subcutaneous or intramuscular injections, prepares rooms and equipments and restrains pets. Luebcke has also worked in the large animal facilities with loading and unloading cattle, drawing up volumes of solutions for injections and gathering supplies for surgeries. The skills she gained from the clinic have helped her better care for her own livestock and pets. Luebcke will attend Kansas State University with the intent to become a large animal veterinarian. Grace is the daughter of John and Diane Luebcke.


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