Lightning Suspected Cause of Effingham Fire

(KAIR)--An early Wednesday house fire in Effingham kept crews on the scene for more than two hours, battling the blaze in an effort to save the home. 

Wes Lanter serves both as a member of the Effingham Fire Department and as Atchison County Emergency Preparedness Director. 

He says the fire, which occurred at 2901 Ellsworth, may have been caused by lightning, but the investigation is continuing. 

Fire crews from Effingham were called to the scene shortly after 6:00, joined by the Lancaster and Nortonville fire departments, who all worked through the early morning thunderstorms, that brought torrential rain and hail, in the attempt to extinguish the fire. 

Lanter says it was contained to a small section of the home, with the house remaining inhabitable, despite the need for some repairs. 

The fire was deemed to be fully out by 8:20. 

The home is the residence of Kirk Childress. 

No injuries are reported. 

The Atchison Branch of the Red Cross, along with the Atchison Salvation Army, also provided assistance at the scene. 


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