Doniphan Co Bridge Temporarily Closed

(KNZA)--A Doniphan County bridge has been temporarily closed.

The County Commission voted this week to temporarily close a bridge on 190th Road about two miles northeast of Severance following an inspection by an engineering firm.

The inspection showed one of the bridge pilings is broken off and fill dirt isn’t adequate to support the bridge structure.

Permanent barricades will be placed on the road, closing off access to the bridge, until the structure can be replaced.

In other business, Northeast Kansas Enterprise Facilitator Teresa McAnerney told the Commission Benedictine College student Adrienne Korson would like to fulfill her internship requirement serving Doniphan County in the economic development position beginning January 2016 through May 2016.

The position would be unpaid.  However, McAnerney recommended the county compensate Korson for travel expenses.

Commissioners asked McAnerney to work with the county clerk on setting up an interview time with the Commission.       

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