Some Activities at Nemaha NRD Lakes Halted Due to Water Levels

(KLZA)-- The water is up again at Iron Horse, so for this weekend the signs are back up both there and at Kirkman’s Cove restricting in-lake water activities such as boating, skiing, and swimming. And the forecast doesn’t look good for easing those restrictions anytime soon.

As of Friday, the restrictions on in-lake water activities are back in effect at both Iron Horse Trail Lake near DuBois and Kirkman’s Cove near Humboldt. Rain on Wednesday night and Thursday this week brought water levels back up beyond the shoreline once again disguising any potential underground obstacles. Therefore, it’s just not safe to allow people or watercraft into the lake. 

Shoreline fishing, camping, picnicking, hiking, and other usual park activities are allowed, however. With more rain predicted this weekend, the restrictions will likely remain in place for a while. So anyone planning to visit these areas is urged to first check the NRD’s website (, Facebook page, or call the office (402-335-3325) for a recorded message that will provide the latest updates.


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